

Poly on Film Features Alumna Filmmaker

Eugina Gelbelman ’09, who wrote, directed, and produced her debut film, The White Goddess, developed her passion for filmmaking at Poly. The White Goddess will be featured in our Poly on Film discussion series on September 21. The White Goddess is currently available for streaming on Amazon Prime.

For those interested in filmmaking, 保利电影系列是一个独特的机会,让学生和校友直接与电影制作专业人士交谈, 演员, and writers. 该系列于2020年首次亮相,并与参与制作电影的保利校友和其他受邀嘉宾进行了Zoom讨论. 在小组讨论之前,我们邀请公众在空闲时观看电影. 

Join the Poly on Film discussion by registering 提前 for the Zoom 事件 September 21 at 7:00 PM.

Background & 影响

Gelbelman是前苏联犹太难民的女儿. 从保利大学毕业后,她在麦吉尔大学学习历史和俄罗斯文学. 她还在不列颠哥伦比亚省的卡皮拉诺大学学习了两年的技术电影制作,并于2015年获得了电影艺术文凭. 她是2018年纽约电影和电视女性霞芳奖学金的获得者. Gelbelman于2019年毕业于石溪大学电影艺术硕士课程,主修编剧.

Eugena Gelbelman with cast of The White Goddess

In The White Goddess, 作家丽贝卡痴迷于一个神圣的神话人物. 她在树林里帮助一个受伤的人,奇怪的事情随之而来. 这部电影被形容为“心理惊悚片” 痛苦.” “I also would say my film is a thriller,” Gelbelman said, ,也是一部透过神话之镜讲述一个女人的蜕变的戏剧. 影片中她所有的梦和幻象都是我从希腊神话中借用的形象和故事,遵循着一个原型模式. 它也有一点夸张,有点像一部黑色喜剧, which was originally not intentional, 但当我们拍摄电影并意识到事情的发展方向时,就变成了这样. I was inspired by movies like 痛苦,但也 浮木 with James Spader—a very little known B movie of his—and The Shining,幽闭恐怖的故事,人们被困在一个偏远的地方,肯定会发疯.”

注:白色女神包含攻击性语言,吸毒,和自杀的参考. Viewer discretion is advised.
A Passion for Filmmaking Began at Poly

“在保利,我对讲故事和写作的兴趣变成了我对电影和电影制作的热情,” Gelbelman recalls, “through the influence of David Higham和巴德·考克斯的电影与美学课. 我被鼓励去从事电影制作,这两门课都给了我灵感. I also loved to watch Poly theater productions, 我还记得在《十大网堵平台》中扮演劳伦斯修士时我特别兴奋 Romeo and Juliet 看我们高中演出的贝托尔特·布莱希特 Mother Courage.”

David Higham
David Higham

Poly theatre manager Higham, who will be part of this Poly on Film discussion panel, says he remembers that Eugina “did great work in class.” But he also recalls, “She had written a wonderful screenplay, but despite my encouraging her, she never actually produced it for class.  As I remember, 她有点害羞,这可能与她不愿意创作这件作品有关.  她的写作给我留下了深刻的印象,因为我在课堂上很少见到学生通过写作来表达自己, 我有点失望,没有看到她将创造什么作为最终产品.” Perhaps it is yet to be.

Getting the Film Made

Gelbelman分享了制作第一部电影的困难. “最大的挑战是资金、时间和资源,”Gelbelman解释道. “I didn’t have any of those things, 因此,我最终依靠自己在石溪大学(Stony Brook University)担任研究生助理和电影艺术硕士(Film MFA)课程教师时的积蓄自给自足. The money was limited and so was time, and resources, 所以电影制作过程中的每一个决定都必须考虑到我们有限的预算和时间限制. 这部电影是为1万美元拍摄的,也是为1万美元剪辑的,所以我自己掏了2万美元. I wrote the film in a month, spent one month auditioning, and assembling the crew and planning the shoot, and then two weeks filming.这部电影大部分是在加拿大拍摄的,在十大网堵平台的展望公园补拍了一次. “Somehow we finished the film at the end of February 2020, just a week before the COVID lockdowns hit in Canada,”她说。, 影片的后期制作又花了一年左右的时间. 拍电影的第一条原则就是永远不要用自己的钱, 但有时候,如果你真的想要某样东西,却无法从外部筹集资金, you have to fall back on that, if you have the money to spare. 不过,我肯定不能用自己的钱再拍一部电影了. This was a one-time deal.”

The White Goddess movie set
On the set of The White Goddess

Gelbelman希望观众在观看和讨论她的电影时能得到什么? “I hope they are inspired to just go for it,”她说。, “if there is a creative project they are dying to do. To see that you can be inventive, 有趣的, 即使你没有很多故事片或资金雄厚的艺术项目通常拥有的东西,你也要有原创性. 另外,你不需要任何人的认可,如果你有故事,就去说出来. 我也希望他们对我们的原创故事更感兴趣, through the film’s use of ancient mythology. I also just hope that the audience has fun. 这部电影试图把娱乐性放在第一位, while also having deeper layers beneath it.”

Eugena Gelbelman
Eugina Gelbelman ’09
Looking to Future Projects

一旦筹到资金和支持,Gelbelman想要制作另一部故事片. “I produced this myself,”她说。, “For the second film, it would be wonderful to have producers who aren’t me. 我正在改编一部科幻,奇幻,西部三部曲由史蒂文·德拉克曼 The Strange and Astounding Memoirs of Watt O’Hugh我选择了这部电影,并希望在我的制作公司石榴影业(石榴影业)旗下制作. 我还有一部十大网堵平台成长的自传体电影,是十大网堵平台十大网堵平台长大的第一代俄罗斯裔美国人的 Daddy’s Girl,以及其他几个项目,我已经写了,希望我能在未来几年完成. There’s also a TV pilot, 它进入了圣丹斯实验室的第二轮申请,名为“Burly-Q”,讲述了一个30岁的处女和幼儿园老师在业余时间参与纽约新滑稽戏的故事, 我会试着筹钱,这样我就可以自己拍试播集了.”

graphic arrows for arts
校友-in-Film Series

注册 提前 for Poly on Film: The White Goddess 将在9月21日星期三晚上7点举行. After registering, 您将收到一封确认邮件,其中包含参加网络研讨会的信息.

The discussion panel includes Eugina Gelbelman, actor Morgan Everett, Poly Theatre Manager David Higham P’07, Chair of the Classics Department Anthony Gini P’23, and moderator Robert Aberlin ’62, P’00, ’03.
